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Benefits of Learning PHP Language

If you are new to programming or want to develop a career in web development then you shoud have a valid reason to study a programming language. PHP programming language has been widely used by a large group and one of the popular open source programming language which is easy to learn and use. It is supported by a large community. Normally, PHP is used to develop mid scale web based applications. We can also find lot of open source technologies in PHP. Globally we will find lots of mid to large scale software companies using PHP language. Therefore, we can see lots of vacancies for PHP developers.

Some of the benefits of learning PHP language:

PHP is open source

PHP is available free of cost since it is open source programming language. PHP is used with MYSQL database, Apache web server and Linux operation system which are all open source. Therefore, we don't need any sort of investment in learning and using PHP programming language.

Open source applications

Since PHP is an open source language, we can find lots of popular open source applications developed in PHP which is free to use. Some of the popular open source web based applications developed in PHP and widely used are WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Moodle, OpenCart, Magento, OrangeHRM, PHP Project etc. Developers don't need to develop applications from scratch all the time. They can customize and use the already developed applications to fulfill their requirements. We can also find frameworks developed in PHP like Laravel, CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Symfony, Yii. Zend, Phalcon, FuelPHP, PHPixie, Slim etc. Frameworks helps the programmer to streamline the coding pattern by providing a basic structure of web applications. Therefore, it is very easy to follow a framework to develop applications.

PHP is easy to learn

PHP programming language is very easy to learn. Most of the high school teach C programming. Similarly we find C programming in the curriculum of computer related university degrees. Therefore, a person who has learnt C can easily understand PHP. The syntax is somewhat similar. Moreover, if you are new to programming and want to learn PHP then you will find PHP very easy to learn. PHP can be used in a procedural way. You can develop applications in procedural way which many of the students find easy in the beginning of their career. Afterwards you can use go for OOP methodology.

Large and helpful community support

PHP being an open source and popular programming language, it has a very large and helpful community support. We can find free tutorials, documentation and support online. You can easily learn things which are available free of cost online. Moreover, if you encounter any problem then you will get the support from the community. One of the great benefit of using PHP is to learn from the community. Since PHP is very popular and is widely used therefore we will always find a good community support and updates.

Platform Independent

PHP is platform independent and supports all the major operating system like Windows, Linux, Mac OS. We can develop web based applications using PHP in most of the platform. Therefore, its easy for developers to choose the platform independently while developing application in PHP.

Database support

PHP supports all the popular database like MySQL, Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, SYBASE, IBM-DB2, Mongo, Informix and so on. PHP also supports database like SYBASE which is used which developing applications like ERP.

Coding Flexibility

Unlike JAVA you don't need even object oriented programming skills in order to develop web based appllications in PHP. One can develop web based applications in procedural way. Therefore, a beginner can easily visualize how web based applications are built. However, you always have the option to develop applications using OOP methodology, MVC design pattern or even a framework. 


We can develop web based applications like CMS, Ecommerce must faster in PHP compared to other languages. Moreover, PHP can run well in shared resources therefore a small to medium size web based applications are developed using PHP rather than other programming language.


PHP was officially launched in June 1998. Since its launch lots of web based applications have been built in PHP across the web. PHP is one of the most popular programming language preferred by developers to build small to medium sized web based applications. PHP popularity has been increasing day by day. Some of the popular websites developed using PHP language are Facebook, Wikipedia, Flickr, Yahoo!, iStockPhoto, Tumblr, Wordpress.com, Mailchimp etc.

If you are looking for a professional PHP Training in Nepal along with internship then please remember IT Training Nepal located at Putalisadak, Kathmandu.