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Advanced Java training with Spring framework and Restful API

If you are seeking advanced Java Training in Nepal, you have come to one of the best training institutes offering an advanced Java training course. Java is used to develop enterprise-level applications, therefore proper guidance is necessary during the course of the training for mastering it. Our unique practical-based learning approach, combined with internships, sets us apart from the rest of the training institutes.

IT Training Nepal has been providing advanced Java training for a long time, helping numerous individuals secure positions in the industry as a full stack developer in Java. With the widespread use of Java language in developing various types of applications, from enterprise applications to web and mobile applications, mastering Java can open up a wide range of career opportunities in the software development industry. Also, Java programming has always been a popular choice among IT graduates who aspire to become application developers both in Nepal and abroad.

Why advanced Java Training at IT Training Nepal?

There are several training institutes in Nepal which can provide you advanced Java training however, our approach of delivering this course is a bit different then others. If you are new in the programming area then we start with the basics of Java programming. During Java basics you will learn fundamental programming concepts along with object oriented programming, database concept. The course content of Java Basics  can be found at the link Java Training. Here are some of the things that you should consider before deciding to learn advanced Java training at IT Training Nepal.

  1. Comprehensive Course: A well-structured curriculum covering advanced Java concepts and practical applications.
  2. Experienced Instructors: Experienced trainers having years of industry exposure, who can provide expert guidance and support throughout the course.
  3. Hands-on Learning: Emphasis on practical, hands-on learning to ensure better understanding and retention of concepts.
  4. Project based learning: At each phase of the training, students will be asked to demonstrate their skills by developing an application.
  5. Internship Opportunities: The chance to apply learned skills in real-world projects through internship opportunities.
  6. Placement Assistance: Assistance with job placements and career guidance to help kickstart a career as a Java developer.
  7. Networking: Opportunities to network with industry professionals and peers, enhancing career prospects.
  8. Industry-Relevant Skills: Training designed to equip learners with skills relevant to industry requirements and trends.
  9. Certification: Certification upon completion of the course, validating the skills acquired during training.

How is the advanced Java Training course designed?

The advanced Java training course at IT Training Nepal offers a comprehensive exploration of advanced Java concepts, the Spring Framework, and the development of RESTful APIs. The course structure is designed to cover a wide range of topics, starting with a thorough review of core Java concepts to ensure participants have a strong programming foundation. As the course progresses, participants delve into advanced Java topics such as multithreading, JDBC, networking, and Java I/O, setting a robust groundwork for their learning journey. Participants also receive in-depth instruction on the Spring Framework, including key concepts like dependency injection, aspect-oriented programming (AOP), and Spring MVC. They further enhance their skills by learning how to leverage Spring Boot for rapid setup and deployment of Spring applications. The curriculum includes a detailed discussion on building RESTful APIs using Spring REST, equipping participants with the knowledge and skills to develop scalable and efficient web services. Throughout the course, participants engage in hands-on projects to apply their learning and build real-world applications, ensuring they gain practical experience in implementing advanced Java concepts and techniques.

Who can join advanced Java Training?

  1. Job seekers aiming to join software development companies as Java Developers.
  2. Individuals aspiring to travel abroad to countries like the USA, Canada, and Australia can benefit from learning Java programming to explore future job opportunities.
  3. Students who have completed their +2 level and intend to pursue computing degrees such as computer engineering, BIT, BIM, BSCsit, and BCA can benefit from learning Java programming. It will enhance their programming concepts and facilitate their undergraduate studies.
  4. Undergraduates, graduates, and postgraduates looking to improve their programming skills can attend Java classes.
  5. Students who need to develop a software application in Java for their college projects.
  6. Software developers interested in transitioning from their current programming platform to the Java platform.


The fundamental concept of programming language and object-oriented programming is a must for learning advanced Java programming language. Candidates lacking this knowledge should first thoroughly learn C and C++ programming language by enrolling in the C/C++ training

However, a student with the concept of programming and object-oriented concepts can directly enroll in the advanced Java training course.

Duration : 2.5 Months

Scope of advanced Java training

There are countless opportunities for Java developers and they can work in a variety of industries and fields, including:

  1. Enterprise Software Development: Building and maintaining large-scale, mission-critical applications for businesses.
  2. Web Development: Creating dynamic websites and web applications using Java-based frameworks like Spring and Hibernate.
  3. Mobile App Development: Developing Android applications using Java or Kotlin.
  4. Big Data: Working with technologies like Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark for processing and analyzing large datasets.
  5. Cloud Computing: Developing applications for cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure using Java.
  6. Finance: Building financial applications, trading platforms, and banking systems that require high performance and reliability.
  7. Gaming: Developing games using Java-based game development libraries and engines.
  8. Embedded Systems: Working on embedded systems and Internet of Things (IoT) devices that require efficient and reliable software.
  9. Scientific and Research Applications: Building applications for scientific computing and research that require complex calculations and data processing.
  10. Education and Training: Teaching Java programming or developing educational software and tools.
Syllabus Expand All
  • History and Features of Java 
  • JDK, JRE, and JVM, Architecture of JVM 
  • Tokens in Java
  • Data Type and Variable Naming Convention 
  • Control Statements 
  • Array in Java 


  • Introduction to OOP in Java 
  • Class and Object
  • Constructor
  • this, static and final keyword
  • Access modifiers
  • Association Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Encapsulation 
  • super keyword 
  • Nested Classes
  • Wrapper Classes Java Packages
  • Immutable String
  • String methods
  • String Builder class and String Buffer class 
  • String Tokenizer and String Joiner 
  • Exception Handling
  • Introduction to Exception class hierarchy 
  • try, catch and finally block
  • throw and throws keyword
  • Custom Exception 


  • Introduction to Multithreading 
  • Lifecycle of a Thread
  • Thread class
  • Runnable interface 
  • Thread creation
  • Thread Scheduler
  • Thread Priority
  • Inter Thread Communication


  • Introduction to IO Stream 
  • Byte Oriented IO 
  • Character Oriented IO 
  • Object IO Stream 
  • Buffered IO Stream 
  • Blocking and non blocking IO and when to use it


  • Basic concept of networking 
  • InetAddress Class 
  • Socket Programming 
  • URL and URL-Connection 
  • Fetching data from a URL
  • Introduction to JDBC API 
  • JDBC Driver Types and Connections 
  • SQL Basics
  • Create a CRUD Application 
  • Sorting and Pagination


  • Introduction to Dynamic Data Structures 
  • Collection framework class hierarchy 
  • List interface and its implementation 
  • Set interface and its implementations 
  • Queue interface and its implementations 
  • Map interface and its Implementations 
  • Swing Components
  • Swing Containers
  • Layout Managers
  • Working with Menus and Dialog Box 
  • Event Handling 
  • Creating CRUD application 

*Project work on GUI Desktop Application implementing Database and techniques learned during core java training.

  • Introduction to web application 
  • Introduction to Tomcat Application Server


  • Introduction to Servlet 
  • Servlet Lifecycle 
  • Servlet Request and Response 
  • Request Dispatcher and send Redirect 
  • Servlet Context 
  • Introduction to JSP 
  • Life Cycle of JSP
  • Scriptlet, expression, declaration tags 
  • JSP Directives
  • JSP implicit Objects 
  • Hibernate
  • Spring Core
  • Spring Web MVC
  • Spring ORM
  • Spring Security
  • Spring Mail Integration 
  • File Upload and Download 
  • Introduction to Spring Boot 
  • Auto Configuration
  • Spring Boot Web MVC
  • Spring Boot Data JPA
  • Securing Spring Boot application 
  • Creating REST API in Spring Boot 
  • Spring Boot Project 

*Project work on Spring Web Application with basic functionality. The project work includes a blog or an e-commerce application or any similar application.

Project based learning with projects Advance Java Web Application using Spring Framework, Spring Boot Restful API and Angular/React Rest Client Application. 


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