Image Gallery

Image gallery application allows a user to manage images on different categories. We can apply wide variety of jquery effects to browse through the images present in the gallery. We can also find a lot of php based image gallery which are free to use.

Image gallery is an important component of a website. It can also be found in almost all the websites like personal websites, ecommerce websites, corporate websites, news portal, job portal and many more.

The basic functionalities present in image gallery are as follows:

  • uploading images on different categories
  • moving image from one category to another
  • tagging images so that a user can easily locate an image
  • deleting existing images
  • changing the order of the images in a category
  • resizing uploaded images

Some of the image gallery have other functionalities like they allows the user to upload image of any size and resolution however which uploading them the application automatically resizes the quality and size to make it load fast while displaying on the user's end. This helps to save a lot of bandwidth on the users end and gives a good browsing experience to the user.

In this category you can find many image gallery project in PHP, photo management system in PHP developed by student as a part of their project work after the training.