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Job Oriented Training in IT at IT Training Nepal

What is Job-oriented Training?

It is a training which is primarily focused on Job i.e. candidates after the training will be capable to work professionally. They can then directly join IT Companies and start their career.

How is IT Training Nepal providing job-oriented training?

The training methodology that we follow is different in aspects and approaches. We first train students on respective subjects. During their training period, the students will be assigned to do project work. These project works will provide in depth knowledge to students. Then after the training, select group of students will be provided internship opportunities at E-Prabidhi, a software development company, where students will be assigned real time projects. They will get an opportunity to work in a real time environment during which they will get support from supervisors along with colleagues who are experienced.

How does IT Training Nepal guarantee internship opportunities at E-Prabidhi Pvt. Ltd?

IT Training Nepal and E-Prabidhi both are two different wings of the same organization. IT Training Nepal primarily focuses on professional training whereas E-Prabidhi focuses on web design and web development.

How does IT Training Nepal ensure that it provides professional training in IT?

IT Training Nepal is run by a team of software engineers who have a decade of professional working and teaching experience in IT field. All the trainers at IT Training Nepal are professionals who have a good working experience in software companies.

Does Job-oriented training mean job placement as well?

We believe providing job is not the solution. It is more important is to make students capable to do job. If the students are capable then job won't be a problem for them in today's scenario where IT industry is flourishing. Although we do not guarantee a job, however, we have a placement cell where we place students to different IT companies once they are ready for job.

What is the vision of IT Training Nepal?

We are established with a vision to bridge the gap between college education and job. Along with it, we focus on emerging trends and technologies to fulfill the shortage of IT manpower both locally and internationally.